Best Oncosurgeon trained to treat cancers of a woman’s reproductive system.

About Gynaecological Cancer

Gynecologic cancer is any cancer that starts in a woman’s reproductive organs. It can begin in different places within a woman’s pelvis, which is the area below the stomach and in between the hip bones. 

Understanding the symptoms of gynecologic cancer can help you be aware of early warning signs. Common gynecological cancer symptoms include: Pelvic Pain or Pressure, Itching or Burning of the Vulva, changes in Vulva Color or skin, Changes in Bathroom Habits, Bloating, Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, Pain in the Back or Stomach. 

Several risk factors may increase your risk of many types of gynecologic cancers. Risk factors include: Reproductive and menstrual history including never having children, starting your menstruation before age 12 and/or going through menopause after age 55, Diabetes, Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, Smoking, HIV infection or a weak immune system, Obesity, Previous history of breast or gynecologic cancer, Use of oral birth control and/or fertility drugs, Estrogen therapy, High-fat diet, Prior radiation to pelvic area.

Best Breast and Gynae Cancer Surgeon in Patna

Removal of the uterus, including the cervix. Removal of the uterus, cervix, and part of the vagina; the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or nearby lymph nodes may also be removed. Removal of one ovary and one fallopian tube. Removal of both ovaries and both fallopian tubes.