Tailored Treatment to the specific characteristics of each patient & each tumor.

About Pancreatic & Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder cancer is commonly associated with bile duct cancer. However, synchronous gallbladder and pancreatic cancer is extremely rare. Each of these cancers is difficult to detect early.

The most common symptoms of each include: yellowing of the skin and eyes, upper abdominal pain with fever, weight loss, nausea/vomiting, skin itching, new onset or sudden worsening of diabetes. 

While there are no specific means of prevention, there are a number of risk factors associated with these cancers, and most specifically pancreatic cancer. These risk factors include: Smoking and tobacco use, Health issues including obesity and diets high in fat, Exposure to harsh chemicals, Chronic inflammation of the pancreas, Diabetes, Family history of genetic syndromes, Older age, as most people are diagnosed after age 65.

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If an individual has specific signs and symptoms that lead to pancreatic, bile duct or gallbladder cancer, a series of tests and exams will be done to find the actual cause. If findings suggestive of cancer are found during these tests, more tests may be ordered to determine the severity. 

Treatment is tailored to the specific characteristics of each patient and each tumor.